What is High Level and low level programming language?

2 min readDec 4, 2023


#Learn Python In one week Series

Have you ever wondered how computer programs are made? Well, it all starts with something called a programming language. But did you know there are two kinds of programming languages? They are called “high-level” and “low-level” languages, and today, we’re going to explore what they are with some fun examples!

High-Level Languages:

Imagine you’re writing a letter to your friend. You use words, sentences, and paragraphs to make it easy to read and understand. High-level programming languages are a bit like that. They are designed to make it easy for people, like you and me, to write computer programs.

For example, let’s look at a simple program in Python, a high-level language:

print("Hello, world!")

In Python, you can use simple words and commands to tell the computer what to do. This program tells the computer to print “Hello, world!” on the screen. Easy, right?

Low-Level Languages:

Now, imagine building a super-detailed model of a spaceship with lots of tiny, specific pieces. Low-level programming languages are like that. They give you more control over the computer, but they can be tricky because you need to be very precise.

One of the lowest-level languages is called Assembly language. Here’s a tiny part of an Assembly program:


In Assembly, you work with small, detailed instructions that tell the computer exactly what to do. This code tells the computer to move the number 5 into a special place called AX and then add it to another number in BX. That is, This tells the computer to do some math, but it’s not easy to understand.

In short ,

High-Level Programming Language:

  • Easy for people to read and write.
  • Abstracted from hardware details.
  • Examples: Python, Java, Ruby.

Low-Level Programming Language:

  • Closer to the computer’s hardware.
  • More control but harder to use.
  • Examples: Assembly, C/C++.

So, I hope you understand, Python is called a “high-level” programming language because it’s easy for people to read and write. It abstracts complex computer details and offers a simple, human-like syntax, making it user-friendly and efficient for programming.




DUK MTech CSE AI '24 | IIM Kozhikode Research Intern | CSIR NPL Former Project Intern | MSc Physics | PGDDSA | Generative AI Learner🧠 | Film Enthusiast